Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dhiman Got Engaged

Hello All,

What a milestone year this has been. Firstly Kinni moving to USA for pursuing higher studies. Secondly Miku obtaining the Job of his dreams and now this - Our Beloved Brother is no more in Bachelors group guys. Lets give him Engagement Bums :D like Birthday Bums... Lolz.

And although its October already but the year is still not over yet. Somewhere later this year Miku will be appearing in Citizenship examination of Australia and again we Jani's will be rocking somehwhere in the world as we always do :)
Here are some pics from the Engagement Day -

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Amish Bhai's Dusshera Gift

shamI shamayate paapam shamI shaTruvinaashinI ||
arjunasya dhanurdhaari raamsya priyadasrshinI ||
karishyamaaNayaatraayaa yayaakaalam sukham mayaa ||
tatranirviGnakrtrItvam bhava shrIraamapUjitaa ||

This day is for worshiping weapons. But in modern life those weapons are replaced by Automobiles, Machines and new Gadgets of this day.

Amish Bhai bought a new
TATA Safari EX 2.2 VTT Dicor......Cycus Grey color this dusshera and it looks great. I have uploaded its pics.

And the Best of all ---